Iranians 'patient, pragmatic' to follow initiatives: Ex-Israeli official

January 23, 2024 - 22:3

TEHRAN- According to a former chief of Israel’s military intelligence, Iran is “pragmatic” and has “patience” in spades to carry out its objectives in the West Asia region, including the annihilation of Israel.

In an interview with Israeli media, Aharon Ze’evi-Farkash stated that the Israeli regime lacks a “strategic policy” to deal with Iran and thwart the Islamic Republic’s future objectives, including its nuclear program.

Conversely, Iran has a distinct “prospect” and feels that “Israel must be wiped off” the face of the region, according to the former Israeli official.

He emphasized, using a geographical reference to the region between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, that the Islamic Republic “knows that it is not a matter of one or two days, or one year or two, which makes a tremendous difference as opposed to some who believe in Israel from the river to the sea.”

He went on to add, “Iran believes in a West Asia region where Shia Muslims are dominant and Israel has vanished. Iran knows that this issue requires what is called patience. Ample patience and perseverance are what Iranians have more than us.”

Ze’evi-Farkash also complimented Iran’s pragmatic and innovative approach to future planning.

“I reckon that they are pragmatic, they plan for the long time and know when to pursue their interests,” he noted, adding, “They say if it does not happen in my tenure, it will happen in another.”

Ze’evi-Farkash stressed, “I have no doubt that Iranians act practically. They train, educate and work so that such things will happen and Israel is gradually enfeebled.”

Since its violent colonization of the Palestinian territories more than seven decades ago, the Israeli regime has been the primary source for issues throughout the West Asian region.

With support from the West, Israel has been trying to establish its illegal existence by carrying out orders from Washington and committing multiple acts of terror against the countries in the region. 

Analysts and experts within the regime argue that these efforts have been ineffective and have only made the occupying regime closer to its inevitable downfall.

The unlawful regime has descended considerably farther into an unsalvageable maze while being plagued by a number of internal challenges, including those in the political and economic spheres, since the regime initiated a genocide against Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip in early October.

Despite killing more than 25,000 people in Gaza, Israel has not met any of its goals there.

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