Iran security chief talks with top Ansarullah official

January 1, 2024 - 22:35

TEHRAN- Ali Akbar Ahmadian, the secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, and Mohammad Abdul-Salam, the spokesman for Yemen’s Ansarullah resistance movement, met and talked about matters of mutual concern.

On Sunday, Ahmadian conferred with Abdul-Salam in Tehran, the capital of Iran.

The topics of shared interest and regional security were discussed by the two parties.

Ahmadian praised the Yemeni government and people for their bravery in standing up to the Zionist regime’s savage attacks and aggression against the Palestinian people during such hard times.

Yemenis have made it clear that they support Palestine’s struggle against Israeli occupation ever since the regime unleashed a devastating war on Gaza on October 7, following a surprise retaliatory attack against the occupying regime by the Palestinian resistance movements in the Gaza Strip.

The Yemeni military has increased its strikes against Israeli-affiliated ships in the Red Sea and launched missile and drone assaults on Israeli sites during the last several weeks. 

They declare that unless the conflict ends and Gazans are provided with the food and medication they require, the attacks will go on.

The Israeli military aggression across the coastal sliver has resulted in the death of at least 22,000 persons, most of them women and children.

Yet, Tel Aviv has fallen short of any of its stated objectives, including the annihilation of the Gaza-based resistance movement Hamas, the release of those held captive during al-Aqsa Storm, and the forced displacement of Gaza’s population to neighboring countries.

According to Aljazeera, the Israeli army believed that achievements on the ground will erode over time without political action.

One of Netanyahu's goals in prolonging the war is to restore his damaged reputation who called himself “Mr. Security.”

The insistence by Netanyahu and his extremist cabinet on committing more crimes in the coastal enclave of Gaza has even infuriated some within the Israeli army. 

It is the army whose personnel are committing war crimes against the Palestinians and also being killed by resistance forces, who have freely chosen the path of sacrificing their life. They prefer death over living under suffocating occupation.

Israeli army personnel and those on the top are noticing that they are getting caught deeper into the Gaza quagmire as the war is dragging on.

Even when Netanyahu ordered the ground offensive in Gaza on October 27 he was snubbed by the military officers and refused to meet him in military fatigue.

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