Iran's new trade relations with Shanghai and BRICS through Eurasia

December 27, 2023 - 23:22

TEHRAN - In a note, Kayhan dealt with the signing of the free trade agreement between Iran and Eurasia.

In a note, Kayhan dealt with the signing of the free trade agreement between Iran and Eurasia. The paper said: The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for Economic Diplomacy considered the signing of the free trade agreement with Eurasia as a new horizon. Because through it, Iran is connected to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, ECO, and BRICS. Iran has a very good knowledge of the goods needed by the member countries of the Eurasia Union and the Commonwealth, and recently the standard of Iranian car parts has also been accepted. The free trade agreement for the first time faces Iran with a significant volume of exports and imports in the world; therefore, this agreement is an important measure to defeat the sanctions policies of the West, despite the sanctions of the past years. On the other hand, Iran's membership in the Shanghai Organization and the ECO Cooperation Organization along with some members of the Eurasian Economic Union can be a capacity to enter third countries and provide many commonalities for the market of other countries.

Shargh: The new claim of the International Atomic Energy Agency is the same old words
In an article, Shargh addressed the new allegations of the International Atomic Energy Agency and said: Rafael Grossi, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, on Tuesday, in his latest report to the member countries of the Agency about Iran's activities in the field of enrichment, claimed that Iran has been producing uranium in recent weeks. It has increased its enrichment by 60%. According to Mohammad Eslami, head of the Atomic Energy Organization, this report is not new and we are doing 60% enrichment. In fact, this is propaganda that the White House, 3 European countries, and Israel always use. They are under the pressure of public opinion for the crimes they have committed in Gaza and they are very interested in changing the atmosphere. By raising these issues, they want to divert attention from Gaza and focus on Iran.

Hamshahri: Iran will respond to the crimes of the Zionists
Hamshahri analyzed the criminal act of the Zionist regime and wrote: The assassination of martyr Mousavi who was present at the invitation of the Syrian government as a military adviser, is considered a clear violation of international law. In such a situation, the authorities of the Zionist regime must know that such a criminal act will not be definitely unanswered. The Islamic Republic will give a firm response to such heinous acts at the right time. Actions such as the assassination of Iran's military advisor in Syria, who was present in this country in order to fight terrorism, are carried out in the hope that it will lead to Iran's reaction and involvement with the United States and other Western governments supporting Tel Aviv in the war. The main point is that an appropriate response should be given to such actions at the right time. In the current situation of developments in the region and the occupied territories, the position of the Islamic Republic is that it may be a little early to take direct action. Necessary investigations should be done in this field because there are other tools for responding.

Iran: The expansion of Iran's foreign relations will defeat America
In a commentary, the Iran newspaper discussed the psychological operations of enemies against Iran. It wrote: Iran's foreign relations can be very successful in defeating America's strategy against Iran. The Shanghai Agreement, BRICS, and the normalization of relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia were among the important measures taken by Iran and contributed to the failure of this strategy to an acceptable extent. Iran's foreign policy has been effective in the Gaza war. American analysts have concluded that although America was able to form a good consensus against Putin in the context of the Ukraine war, it is isolated in the Gaza war; the strategy was to introduce Iran as a threat and say that such an attack was done with Iran's support to Hamas, but the opposite happened. In fact, Iran's foreign relations and its role in the country's diplomacy, which began with the start of the Gaza war, turned America's strategy to the detriment of this country and isolated the United States. Therefore, the more Iran's foreign relations expand, the more it can defeat the U.S. government's strategy.

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