Yemen’s ship seizure has far-reaching strategic impacts: IRGC

December 6, 2023 - 21:20
Salami characterizes Israel’s acts in Gaza as ‘self-destruction and suicide’

TEHRAN – A senior Iranian military commander says the seizure of a ship by Yemen has reverberated with broad strategic implications.

Commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Hossein Salami extolled the seizure of the Israeli ship in the Red Sea on November 19, emphasizing its significant strategic consequences.

“It underscores a new governing equation in the region, gradually diminishing the effectiveness of certain powers. The implicit message is that their threats no longer instill fear,” he asserted.

Salami also condemned the actions of the Zionist regime against the people of Palestine, characterizing them as acts of self-destruction and suicide.

The IRGC commander highlighted the shift that the governments around the world are experiencing in political preferences, deviating from established norms. He noted that old alliances are “no longer driven by shared political preferences, indicating a changing geopolitical landscape.”

Underscoring the fact that the U.S. is not immune to the evolving landscape of global tactics, Salami specifically pointed out: “The American administration is engaging in what is described as “legitimate self-defense” but criticized as massacres in Gaza. This stark contrast questions the alignment of actions with stated principles.”

“While democracy, freedom, human rights, security, and prosperity are the values the U.S. aims to showcase globally, the reality portrayed by the political actions challenges this narrative,” the commander said.

The Yemeni army also released a statement on Monday confirming the targeting of two Israeli ships in the Red Sea near the Bab el-Mandeb strait. The statement emphasized that Yemen’s Armed Forces specifically target vessels affiliated with the Israeli regime and those owned by Israelis. 

Furthermore, the Yemeni Armed Forces declared their commitment to ongoing operations against Israel until the aggression on the Gaza Strip ceases. This is in response to the heinous crimes against Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. 


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