Yemen slaps Israel in the face

November 20, 2023 - 21:50

The Kayhan newspaper highlighted the seizure of an Israeli ship by the Yemeni Navy in the Red Sea as a significant setback for the Zionist regime.

The paper underscored that Yemen had previously issued warnings to Tel Aviv, indicating that if the atrocities against people of Gaza persisted, tangible actions would be taken against the Israeli regime. Kayhan stated: Despite the surprise and bewilderment shown by Israeli leaders and officials, the seizure of the Israeli ship had been forewarned by Yemeni forces against Zionist occupiers. The spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces Brigadier General Yahya Saree, had explicitly stated that all ships owned or managed by Israeli companies would be targeted, urging nations to evacuate their citizens working on ships flying the Israeli flag. The recent statement by Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, the leader of Ansarullah, emphasized continued attacks on Israel, specifically targeting Israeli ships in the Red Sea and the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait. 

The political and military authorities in Tel Aviv, seemingly disregarding or disbelieving recent warnings from Yemeni resistance forces, now find themselves taken aback by the seizure of an Israeli ship. This marks another unexpected turn for Israel. The surprise underscores a failure on the part of Tel Aviv's security forces and intelligence agencies, highlighting their inability to anticipate the strategies and plans of regional resistance groups. The shock caused by the Yemeni forces in the Red Sea amplifies the challenges faced by the Zionist regime and further emphasizes their vulnerability to unforeseen strategic moves by those opposing their actions in the region.

Shargh: A step closer to expansion of war

The Shargh newspaper characterized the Yemeni seizure of an Israeli ship as a catalyst for reshaping dynamics in the region, marking a significant step towards an escalation of the Gaza war. In a commentary, Shargh asserted: Ansarullah's entry into the conflict between Hamas and Israel not only influences the war dynamics but also resonates in regional and global equations. As reported by the National Interest publication, Ansarullah's declaration of war against Israel will carry implications at local, regional, and global levels. The newspaper emphasized that Yemen's action in seizing an Israeli ship, given the potential growing involvement of Ansarullah in the Hamas-Israel conflict, has the potential to initiate a new phase of tension in the region.

Farhikhtegan: Endorsement of crime by Western thinker

In an op-ed by Parviz Amini, an Iranian university professor, the newspaper criticized Jürgen Habermas, a philosopher, for supporting Israel's actions against the people of Gaza. Amini firmly stated that Israel is morally condemned for its crimes against the Palestinian people. His argument focused on the conflict in Gaza when examined through the ethics of war, excluding considerations of the occupier and the occupied, or colonialism and anti-colonialism. According to Amini, in the context of pre-war, wartime, and post-war conditions, Israel stands condemned, while the morally defensible side is the resistance movement of Hamas. He points out that, for instance, Operation Sword of al-Quds in 2021 was a defensive move, motivated by liberation rather than expansionism, and holds a legitimate justification as a response to intensified violations of Muslim and human rights. During the current war, Amini contends that Israel has disregarded basic rules, targeting non-combatants and civilian sites, resulting in a disproportionate outcome compared to the objectives of Operation Sword of al-Quds.

Siasat-e-Rooz: Severing Israel's vital artery

The Siasat-e-Rooz newspaper delves into recent remarks by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, emphasizing the imperative to sever the vital lifeline of the Zionist regime. Quoting Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Siasat-e-Rooz stated: “Zionists perceive themselves as a superior race, treating the rest of humanity as inferior. This leads them to ruthlessly kill thousands of children without a semblance of conscience”. He continued by criticizing some Islamic governments for not condemning the Zionist regime's crimes, while others have ostensibly done it in international forums, deeming both stances unacceptable. He underscored: "The primary objective is to cut off the vital artery of the Zionist regime, with Islamic governments taking measures to halt the supply of energy and goods to the Israelis". The defeat of the Zionist regime in Gaza is undeniable, and infiltrating hospitals or people's homes does not constitute victory. True victory means overcoming the adversary, a feat the Zionist regime has not attained and will not achieve in the future.


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