Collapse of Israeli regime possible within 2 days, IRGC chief says

December 1, 2023 - 21:16

TEHRAN- The Zionist regime will collapse in 48 hours if another anti-Israeli military action like the Al-Aqsa Storm operation breaks out, according to the commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC).

Addressing a group of Basij members in Qazvin on Thursday, Major General Hossein Salami noted that “here is 70 km from Gaza to Tel Aviv, 120 km from northern Palestine and southern Lebanon to Tel Aviv, and 40 km from the West Bank to Tel Aviv. The time for the collapse of this fake regime is short.” 

“If like in Operation al-Aqsa Storm, the driving engine of the Palestinians starts moving again, the Zionist regime will be removed from the political geography of the world in 48 hours,” he added. 

Gen. Salami continued, “few people thought the army and the security establishment of the Zionist regime is so close to collapse.”

“Operation al-Aqsa Storm showed the Zionists living in the occupied territories and America the fact that the collapse of the regime is much, much closer and easier than they imagine,” he averred.

Gen. Salami asserted that since the occupation forces are “in a painful situation” following the operation on October 7, the threat of another attack has become a daily companion for the Israelis, making it impossible for them to sleep soundly at night.

“Today, anxiety and confusion over the defeat of the Zionist regime can be seen in the faces of American officials more than ever, since there is no prospect of saving the fake Israeli regime, and its supporters cannot talk about its survival,” he added.

According to the IRGC chief, Israel and its allies have chosen a highly risky policy that will never lead to triumph.

He also warned that the U.S. can no longer withstand the strain of resistance forces on its overstretched military in the region.

Gen. Salami pointed out that more than 2,000 Israeli soldiers have evacuated the West Bank and Gaza in the last week because they cannot continue the fight.

He pointed out, “On the other hand, the damage of the war is at least 300 million dollars a day, and one out of every three jobs in Israel has been lost, and all hotels have turned into accommodation for their refugees.”

Based on the remarks made by Gen. Salami, the situation in Palestine is precisely the reverse.

“The Gazans are patient, grateful, thoughtful and exceptional people who will surely achieve victory in the near future because of their perseverance,” he said.   

Salami also stressed, “This is while Israel and America are stuck in a quagmire in which they sink deeper, the more they struggle.”

Gen. Salami mentioned the stringent reporting of the regime’s defeat in the Gaza War in the Israeli media.

According to the top commander, 300 of Israel’s 1,600 tanks and personnel carriers have been struck, and hundreds of Israelis have been killed, based on reliable information including aerial images, wiretapping, and other intelligence measures, as well as precise field information.

He concluded, “Today, all the news we hear is about Gaza and the Palestinians, but we don’t hear or see anything about the turmoil in the cities of the Zionist regime, where the situation is much worse than what even we wish for. This fact forced them to agree to a ceasefire.” 

Since October 7, over 15,000 Palestinians have lost their lives as a result of Israeli assaults in Gaza.

Last week, a four-day ceasefire was declared in Gaza, and has already been extended twice. The Israeli regime resumed its genocidal war on Gaza on Friday morning. 

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