'Refining' Gaza population on Israel agenda

November 19, 2023 - 19:55

Citing informed sources, the Farhikhtegan newspaper unveiled some of Israel’s future plans for Gaza. The regime intends to establish residential areas with population screening, aiming to completely demolish the northern part of Gaza, relocate residents to the south, and create the necessary conditions for this action.

After the war, reconstruction will take place in northern Gaza with the cooperation of the United States’ allies in the region, including Qatar, Turkey, and Egypt. Selected individuals who have no wish to continue the resistance will be permitted to return to this area with a significantly reduced population. This refined area, with a new infrastructure, will be self-governed. The plan takes into account realities such as the impossibility of relocating Gazan people to the Sinai Desert in Egypt and strong inclination of the local population towards Hamas and resistance groups. Zionists seek to force individuals and families remaining in the northern residential areas to eventually move out of their home. They plan to come to this objective through the continuation of the massacre in the region. Additionally, Tel Aviv could discern that the individuals who remain exhibit a stronger spirit of resistance compared to others, which could potentially contribute to an escalation in crimes against them.

Kayhan: Israel is Western military base in region

In a note, Kayhan delved into Israel's presence in West Asia, describing it as a Western colonial military base. The paper emphasized that evidence and crimes committed by Zionists before the establishment of the Israeli regime in 1948 clarify that their presence extends beyond Palestine. The evidence furthermore implies that Israel serves as a Western military base with the aim of controlling the Islamic world. Consequently, resistance forces in Palestine represent all Islamic nations and countries engaged with this regime. Providing comprehensive support for these resistance forces is not solely a religious duty for Muslim nations and Islamic countries but also a defense of their own security and identity. Regrettably, many leaders of Islamic countries evade this responsibility.

Etemad: Iranians unite for Gaza

The Etemad newspaper highlighted the nationwide rally of Iranians on Saturday in support of Palestinian people, showcasing the Iranian people's backing for Gaza. In Tehran, individuals condemned the Zionist regime's crimes against the oppressed children of Gaza. Expressing dissatisfaction with international organizations' silence, they called for global support for the besieged people in the Gaza Strip. The notable presence of political figures at the rally drew significant media attention. Mohammad Mokhber, Iran’s Vice President, participated in the demonstration in support of the innocent children of Gaza.

Ham-Mihan: Western intellectuals support Gaza massacre

In an analysis, Ham-Mihan scrutinized the perspectives of Western intellectuals on Israel's massacre of Gazan people. The paper highlighted the opinions of prominent intellectuals, Yuval Noah Harari and Jürgen Habermas. The article criticized the support of these intellectuals for Israel's inhumane operations in Gaza, emphasizing that the ongoing conflict is now a universal human concern, shaping our beliefs and morals. The piece argued that failing to distinguish between the motives of the fundamentalists and those seeking to address humanitarian, political, and social issues through war implicates individuals in crimes against humanity. 

The tragedy in Gaza, initiated by the Zionist warmongers to consolidate their power, is a human catastrophe. When figures like Habermas and Noah Harari become supporters of such a tragedy, a greater disaster occurs, leading humanity into a greater philosophical impasse. Although the events unfolding in Gaza bring some promise for the awakening of the global human conscience, creating a sense of solidarity among people worldwide, the tragedy will deeply impact the working of the future plans in the world. Thus, the humanitarian catastrophe will bring about profound transformations in the world, influencing the global community's perspective in the process. 


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