Iran censures Israel over its terrorist act

November 18, 2023 - 23:51

TEHRAN- The spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Nasser Kanaani, condemned the terrorist act of the apartheid regime in assassinating Vice Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council Ahmed Bahr.

Bahr was martyred in an Israeli strike on November 18.

Kanaani also expressed his condolences to Hamas leaders, the Palestinian nation, and the family of Ahmed Bahr.

With the killing of Bahr and thousands of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank in the last 40 days, the apartheid regime has shown its vile, criminal, and anti-human nature to the people worldwide, according to Kanaani.

He also said that undoubtedly, such crimes by the Zionists would not negatively impact the will of the Palestinian nation and the resistance movements in their fight to set their country free.  

He called on the international organizations, institutions, and bodies to fulfill their responsibilities and take immediate deterring measures to stop the Israeli war machine and its organized terrorism against the Palestinian people.

In his appeal to international organizations, urged them to hold the Zionist criminals accountable.

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