U.S. messages to Iran resemble pleas, not threats: IRGC commander

November 13, 2023 - 22:5

TEHRAN – Talking about the current situation in West Asia, a top Iranian commander has clarified that the U.S. is not in a position to threaten Iran, saying Washington has been pleading with Tehran to refrain from opening a new front against Israel.

The commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Division, declared on Monday that American officials had to deliver three hasty messages to Iranians in just one day. 

“Iran is not in a position to be threatened by anyone, we are at the peak of power and have prepared ourselves for all conditions,” said Brigadier General Amir-Ali Hajizadeh.

Regarding the current abilities of the IRGC Air Force, Hajizadeh explained that Iran has now become a global power in terms of its missiles, drone, air defense, and space capabilities. “These capabilities have been showcased during maneuvers and operations including the attack on Al-Assad air base and Hezbollah’s 33-day war against the Zionist regime. They have been on full display and I don’t think there is anyone that doubts our power,” he continued.

Addressing the situation in the besieged Gaza Strip, the commander said that the issue of Palestine has now turned into a global one. 

“The criminality of the Zionist regime, which was mentioned by the late Imam and officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran more than 40 years ago, is now understood by nations on all continents,” he asserted.

Hajizadeh added that Iranian officials used to get criticized for speaking the truth about Israel, but today it has been proven to everyone that the regime is nothing but a child-killing terrorist organization. 

The IRGC general also hailed Operation Al-Aqsa Storm as a historic victory for Palestinians, stating, “This victory is not perishable with tactical actions and criminal operations and killing of children, and they are absolutely victorious and in the future. The whole world will see this”.

He said the current Israeli attacks against Gaza seem to be part of Benjamin Netanyahu’s revenge against Palestinians, warning that the longer these attacks go on, the more devastating their consequences will be for the Israeli regime. 

“All of this is a prelude to the Israeli regime’s full collapse. Americans are bringing the same fate upon themselves and paying the price for Israel. They will have to spend more in the future and use the money of American taxpayers to fund the killing of children,” Hajizadeh said.

Hajizadeh also called on Arab countries to take action and help stop the regime’s crimes against innocent civilians in Gaza. 

Israel unleashed relentless onslaughts against the Gaza Strip after the Hamas resistance movement managed to carry out a successful operation inside the occupied territories. The regime has so far killed more than 11,000 people, with thousands of children among the dead. It has been routinely targeting hospitals, schools, refugee camps, and other civilian sites, while justifying the large number of civilian casualties as “collateral damage”. Western governments have also been backing the Zionists in their killing spree, by sending weapons to the regime and obstructing peaceful pro-Palestinian rallies in the West.


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