Iran FM talks to Palestinian resistance leaders

October 23, 2023 - 22:36
Iran urges immediate cessation of Israeli atrocities, reiterates support for Palestine

TEHRAN- Hossein Amir Abdollahian, the Foreign Minister of Iran, has reiterated the Islamic Republic’s backing for the oppressed Palestinian people and demanded that Israel quickly put an end to its killing of civilians in the Gaza Strip.

Amir Abdollahian made the comments on Monday during separate phone conversations with Ziad al-Nakhaleh, the secretary-general of Islamic Jihad, and Ismail Haniyeh, the head of the Hamas Political Bureau.

He said that in addition to stopping the forcible relocation of residents in the besieged Strip, Israel must open the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and Gaza to allow much-needed relief to pass to Palestinians.

In addition to the relentless bombardment of the coastal enclave of Gaza, Israel has cut food, water, medicine, and fuel to the people.

In terms of international law, Israel’s actions are clear examples of war crimes and crimes against humanity.

“Enemy cannot overcome resistances will”

As the Palestinian resistance groups’ intense battle with the Israeli regime enters its eighteenth day, their commanders informed the Iranian foreign minister that the enemy cannot weaken the resistance front’s resolve.

Haniyeh praised Iran’s stance on Palestine, describing it as a “dynamic Islamic diplomacy to reveal the realities.”

He went on to say that the U.S. unwavering backing for Israel is one of the main causes of the neo-Nazi regime’s ongoing atrocities.

He underlined that Israel’s ruthless and mindless assaults on the helpless civilians in Gaza demonstrate the regime’s incapacity to withstand the valiant resistance movement and Palestinian people’s battle against the occupation.

Nevertheless, despite the Zionist enemy’s savagery, Haniyah declared that the resistance has inflicted a severe strategic blow to the adversary and is still in charge of the fight against the occupiers.

He issued a dire warning, saying that Gaza’s acute medical and fuel shortages will be a forerunner to a major humanitarian crisis.

Haniyeh noted that the resistance group’s continuing Operation Al-Aqsa Storm against Israel has been successful in creating a new strategic equilibrium in the region.
‘Resistance is still strong’

For his part, Nakhaleh said despite Israel’s killing of women, children, and the elderly, destruction of residential neighborhoods, and strikes on civilian targets, resistance is still strong.

The resistance fighters will undoubtedly carry on their fight against the Israeli regime, the Islamic Jihad leader asserted.

He emphasized the significance of bolstering international support for Palestine, citing Iran as a key player in this respect.

“Forced relocation of Palestinians to Sinai, Jordan, is Israel ultimate objective”

In a phone call with Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry Sunday, Amir Abdollahian also said that the Israeli regime’s brutal onslaught on the Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank are ultimately intended to drive out the Palestinian people from their homeland.

Iran’s top diplomat praised Egypt’s efforts to end Israel’s war on Gaza and open the path for humanitarian supplies to the enclave.

“The ultimate goal of the fake and occupying Israeli regime is forced displacement of the people of Gaza and the West Bank to the Sinai region in Egypt and parts of Jordan,” Amir Abdollahian said.

He added, “In fact, Tel Aviv regime is trying to have the Palestinian government established outside the historical land of Palestine, but the resistance has proved to be a real obstacle that does not allow Zionists’ dream to come true.”

Amir Abdollahian also announced that Iran’s Red Crescent Society is fully prepared to use Egypt as a conduit for the delivery of humanitarian supplies to the Gazans.

For his part, Shoukry stated that his nation is against the war’s expansion and that the Palestinian people should stay in their own territory.

“Duty of all followers of Abrahamic religions to defend Palestinians”

In a related development also on Sunday, Iran’s foreign minister wrote a letter to the Vatican’s Secretary for Relations with States Paul Richard Gallagher.

Amir Abdollahian stated in his letter that the latest atrocities carried out by the Israeli regime, such as the bombing of a historic church in the Gaza Strip and al-Mamdani Hospital, where women and children had sought refuge, “reveal another facet of the Zionist regime's savage and brutal nature.”

“The attack on a church proves that the Israeli regime applies its systematic apartheid not only to Muslims but also to followers of all Abrahamic religions, including Christians,” Iran’s foreign minister noted.

“Today, we are facing a new version of modern savagery in the occupied Palestinian territories,” Amir Abdollahian noted, adding, “At this critical and determining juncture, defending and protecting the rights and lives of the Palestinian nation is a duty for all followers of Abrahamic religions.”

He concluded his letter by saying, “Without a doubt, unity among Muslims, Christians and Jews in countering the crimes of the Zionist regime will play an effective role in restraining Zionists’ extremist measures, restoring calm to the world, and establishing moral values.”

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