Iran denies allegations of meddling in Al-Aqsa Storm attack

October 14, 2023 - 22:18

TEHRAN - Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations has categorically rejected Israel’s accusation that Iran intervened in the Palestinians’ response to the regime’s occupation of their lands and repeated aggressions against them.

Amir Saeid Iravani made the remarks in letters written to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and UN Security Council President Sérgio França Danese on Friday.

The Islamic Republic “strongly rejects any claims made by Zionists about Iran’s meddling in the unprecedented Palestinian operation dubbed Al Aqsa Storm against the regime,” Iravani stated.

Below is the text of Iravani’s letter:

I am writing to you in response to the letter dated 7 October 2023 from the representative of the Israeli regime addressed to the United Nations Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council (S/2023/742). In the letter, the representative of the Israeli regime has once again endeavored to justify and cover up the ongoing heinous crimes against the vulnerable and defenseless people of Palestine by making baseless allegations against my country.

The Islamic Republic of Iran categorically and explicitly rejects any unfounded claim about its involvement in Palestine's response to Israeli occupation and aggression. The recent decisions and measures taken by Palestine's resistance groups are solely determined by the Palestinians themselves and are firmly rooted in the fundamental principle of self-determination.

The international community unambiguously recognizes that the Palestinian people have endured 75 years of relentless aggression, violence, racial discrimination, and apartheid policies imposed by the Israeli regime. The occupation of their land persists, marked by city blockades, property and farmland destruction and confiscation, and the forced displacement of residents from their homes. These persistent atrocities blatantly violate the peremptory norms of international law, including the unequivocal prohibition of acquiring territory through force, the inherent right to self-determination, and the prohibition on racial discrimination and apartheid, which stand as blatant evidence of such occupation. It is regrettable that the international community's response to these severe violations has fallen short in holding those responsible accountable. 

The absence of accountability and the deafening silence of the United Nations Security Council have reduced long-standing UN resolutions to mere words. And now the world is witnessing yet another horrific uptick in atrocities and collective punishment against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip that qualify as crimes against humanity and war crimes, orchestrated by the Israeli regime.  Failure of the international community to intervene promptly could lead to a full-fledged humanitarian crisis with far-reaching consequences.

The Islamic Republic of Iran urges the international community, United Nations member states, and, in particular, the Security Council to shoulder their responsibilities and take decisive action, compelling the Israeli regime to put an end to its occupation, atrocities, and aggressive actions, and to steadfastly comply with its international obligations, including those under international humanitarian law and human rights law.

I would be grateful if you would circulate the present letter as a document of the Security Council.

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