“Hope” comes back to Iran

TEHRAN – For the 15th year in a row, the last survivor of the Siberian crane, called ‘Omid’ (meaning Hope in Persian), came once again to the Fereydunknar International Wetland on Thursday.
Every year, Omid flies thousands of kilometers alone from Siberia and arrives in Iran for the winter in early November and lives in Fereydunkenar Damgah [structures built-in rice paddies for harvesting wild ducks in autumn and winter by farmers] until mid-March.
The first time, he was accompanied by two other cranes who were shot, leaving a sole traveler from the western Arctic population.
Despite losing his couple Arezoo (meaning Wish in Persian) seven years ago, he comes back to winter in the wetland every year ever since, except for two years during the past 14 years. Locals are very much fond of him and call him Omid believing that he brings hope.
Every year, Omid flies thousands of kilometers alone from Siberia and arrives in Iran for the winter in early November.
Omid's annual trip to Mazandaran is very important for environmental and wildlife lovers, considering that it is the last survivor of the western Siberian cranes.
He did not come to Mazandaran for wintering in 2009 and 2015, which caused the concern of environmentalists.
Siberian cranes are monogamous birds, and if the female mate dies for some reason, the male will be left alone forever, a fate that Omid has met.
Critically endangered cranes
According to the International Crane Foundation website, this critically endangered species is now only found in one main population in East Asia, with a few birds remaining in the historic Western/Central population.
The Eastern population breeds in northeastern Siberia and winters at Poyang Lake in the Lower Yangtze River Basin in China. In the Western/Central population, a single crane [Omid] continues to winter along the south coast of the Caspian Sea in Iran. This population is bred just south of the Ob River in Russia.
With a height of 140 centimeters and a weight of 6 kilograms, there are only 3,600 to 4,000 cranes left in the world. The Eastern population is stable, but the Western/Central population is almost extirpated.
Adult cranes have red skin on the forehead, face, and sides of the head, white plumage with black wingtips, and reddish-pink legs while juvenile cranes have a plumage mix of white and cinnamon-brown feathers and tan head.
The oldest documented crane was a Siberian Crane named Wolf, who died at the age of 83. Wolf is in the Guinness Book of World Records.
Habitat loss, especially due to changing hydrology caused by water diversions and conversion of wetlands, illegal take including hunting, trapping and poisoning, pollution, and environmental contamination is threatening this endangered species.
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