Victory belongs to Iranian nation: Raisi

October 29, 2022 - 0:23

TEHRAN – Iranian President Ayatollah Seyed Ebrahim Raisi has said that the Iranian nation will achieve victory in the war of will that is currently raging. 

Speaking at the village of Qarebouteh in Zanjan province on Thursday, President Raisi said that he is confident that the steel will, passion, intelligence and insight of the people, as they have led the country so far, will continue to lead the country blindly to the enemy's eyes, and stated, "Today we are witnessing a war of wills and I have no doubt that in this war of wills, the victory belongs to the great nation of Iran".

He noted, “The main purpose of our trip was to inaugurate 5 power plants in Zanjan province, which were built in 5 different provinces with the efforts of our country's experts.”

The Iranian president said the enemy has resorted to plotting conspiracies to stop the Iranian people from making progress. "When the enemy sees that Iranian young people are progressing day by day in various fields of science, technology and industry, they want to prevent these developments by planning a conspiracy," he said, according to the official website of the Iranian presidency.

Ayatollah Raisi praised the spirit of passion and intelligence of the people of Zanjan and emphasized, "I am confident that your strong will, determination, passion, intelligence and insight people will lead the country's progress with steely will".

Stating that today we are witnessing a war of wills, President Raisi noted, "The enemies have wanted the Iranian nation not to be independent and not to progress, but the Iranian nation has wanted to be proud, to stand on its own feet and not be under the control of the domination system. I have no doubt that in this war of wills, the victory belongs to the great nation of Iran".

Condemning yesterday's terrorist act in the holy shrine of H.H. Shahcheragh and accepting the responsibility of this atrocity and malicious act by the ISIS, Ayatollah Raisi raised the questions of who created ISIS, who supported this group and made them kill the peoples of the region? and said, "Today, the people of Iran and the freedom-seekers of the world are questioning how the Americans, who have officially admitted to the creation of ISIS, claim to support human rights!"

Stating that the record of Americans is full of crimes, President Raisi added, "Didn't the people of the world see that you martyred the hero of the fight against terrorism in front of their eyes? How do you claim to support human rights? It is the people of Iran who are the real defenders of human rights and humanity".

In the final part of his speech, Ayatollah Raisi referred to people's demands raised in this meeting and called on the Governor-General to seriously and urgently follow up on the issue of solving the problem of drinking water quality in the region, building a clinic and other people's requests.

President Raisi arrived in Zanjan province on Thursday and as welcomed by Ayatollah Ali Khatami, Friday Prayer Imam and the Representative of the Supreme Leader in the province, Mohsen Afsharchi, the Governor-General, and a group of local officials.

In Zanjan, Raisi officially opened the first and second gas units of Arian 2 Power Plant in Zanjan with the capacity to produce 366 megawatts of electricity. For the construction of this power plant, which was built by the private sector, €130 million of credit was spent, and by using it, 240 people will be directly and indirectly employed.

He also visited different parts of this power plant and was informed about the details of its construction and operation with explanations from the managers of the power plant and those involved in its construction.

Raisi also attended the official opening ceremony of 5 thermal power plants with a capacity of 1026 megawatts. 

“Power plant repairs and the creation of new capacities had not been done on time, and therefore the government's work in providing electricity and resolving these problems was facing fundamental problems,” he said. 

Raisi stated, "The government was able to prevent power cuts in the first step by managing electricity consumption in different sectors and in the next step by introducing 6,000 megawatts of new power generation capacity to the national power grid, which was done with the jihadist efforts of the officials of the Ministry of Energy, this achievement satisfied the people as well".

Referring to the government's targeting and planning for the production of 35 thousand megawatts of electricity in order to eliminate the shortages, the President said, "Today we are witnessing the implementation of these plans and the power plants are being activated one after the other in different parts of the country, which shows the progress of the country".

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