Islamic Jihad leader hails Iran as stalwart of Palestinians

October 25, 2022 - 19:11

TEHRAN- The Secretary General of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, Ziyad al-Nakhalah, asserted on Monday that Iran is a staunch patron of the Palestinians, including the Jihad movement, and the resistance groups.

Speaking with Aljazeera, Ziyad al-Nakhalah emphasized that Iran has a clear position opposing the Zionist regime.

He pointed out that although certain Arab officials are allied with the Zionist regime and the West, Iran opposes the U.S. and Israel and favors unfalteringly the Resistance.

Notwithstanding Iran's resistance to the Zionist regime continues to rise, the Arab states are moving toward normalizing relations with the regime. 

He said that recent conflicts with the Tel Aviv regime were in retaliation for assaults like the assassination of the commander Baha Abu al-Ata.

He stressed that the main aim of the apartheid Israeli regime is to exterminate the Palestinian people and that comprehending this mission and being aware of it are essential in order to provide the means and conditions necessary to fight with such a devilish phenomenon.  

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