U.S. playing pivotal role in regional sabotage, assassinations, unrest: Raisi

October 17, 2022 - 22:43

TEHRAN- Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has sharply denounced the United States' backing for recent riots in Iran, asserting that America is involved in most acts of sabotage, murder, and riots in the region.

Speaking to a cabinet meeting on Sunday, Raisi said, “The latest remarks by the U.S. President Joe Biden, who allows himself to fan the flames of unrest, assassination and destruction in another country, remind us of everlasting words of the late founder of the Islamic Republic Ayatollah Rouhollah Khomeini who called the United States ‘the Great Satan’.”

He was responding to Biden's most recent statements, in which the U.S. president stated that he was "stunned" by how Iranians had reacted to the death of Mahsa Amini who fainted at a police station and later died in the hospital. Biden said, "We stand with the Iranian citizens... for real, for real."

Iranians have demonstrated in response to Amini's passing. However, some hooligans disrupted the demonstrations and incited violence against law enforcement forces. Certain media outlets supported by the West have also promoted violence. Iran asserts that it will not let outside influence in its domestic issues.

"When the root causes of most acts of sabotage, assassinations and riots in the region are examined, the role and mischief of America could be easily detected," the Iranian president highlighted. 

The Great Satan's measures, according to Iran's president, have included supporting the Zionist regime's atrocities in Palestine for over 70 years and invading and waging war in Afghanistan for 20 years.

“Americans resent any good, innovative and creative move by the Iranian nation and revel in their shortcomings or problems as well as the lack of security,” he pointed out. 

“The insightful nation of Iran is well aware of the enemy and its machinations and this time around will once again prevent the enemy from achieving its goals and will continue on the path to growth and progress,” Raisi emphasized. 

Raisi's comments come after Iran's Foreign Ministry excoriated the United States for intervening in the country's domestic affairs following Biden's remarks.

Nasser Kanaani, the Foreign Ministry's spokesperson, said in a statement on Saturday that Biden “interfered for the umpteenth time in Iran's state matters by supporting the riots as he has done ever since the outbreak of recent developments in Iran.”

“Given the fact he neither does enjoy trusted advisers nor a good memory, I remind him that Iran is so strong and steadfast that it would not give in to his cruel sanctions and idle threats. It is also so proud that would be unfazed by the interventions and exclamations of a politician tired of years of the futile campaign against Iran,” Kanaani added.

The Iranian parliament's investigation revealed no connection between Amini's death and rumors of physical damage.

Based on the report released on Sunday, she received no blow to head or other sensitive parts while in police custody.

According to the parliament report, individuals who jumped to conclusions regarding the reason of Amini's death must correct their positions or risk prosecution.

It states that in order to cause instability, the Israeli regime, the United States, and their allies took advantage of such rash decisions.

The Iranian Coroner's Office had previously revealed that cerebral hypoxia and multiple organ failure were to blame for Amini's demise rather than injuries to her brain or any of her important organs.

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