Enemy still optimistic about its psych ops on Iranians: IRGC spokesman

August 14, 2022 - 21:30

TEHRAN - The spokesman for the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) has said that the enemies are still optimistic about the results of psychological warfare and the media atmosphere they are creating to inflame public opinion in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Brigadier General Ramezan Sharif said the enemies are doing so to cover up their failure in other regions.

He made the remarks at a ceremony honoring correspondents (on the occasion of the National Journalist's Day), which was held on Saturday afternoon in the city of Ahwaz, the capital of Khuzestan province, according to Al Alam.

The IRGC spokesman stressed that the enemy's resort to psychological warfare is due to its repeated failure over the past 43 years in many battlefields and wars it waged against the Islamic Republic.

He pointed out that the enemies pursue three main purposes in their psychological war, which they provoked against the “revolutionary” Iran. 

The enemy wants, through this media attack, to deviate the Iranian people from their revolutionary affiliations and principles, to spread fear about the economic and living situation, and to instill a spirit of despair and frustration in the hearts of citizens about the future, or urging them to leave the country.

“The enemy is betting in all these steps on its media machine and psychological warfare,” General Sharif added.


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