Tehran exhibit to feature abundant national crafts

TEHRAN – Wide-ranging Iranian handicrafts practiced in every corner of the country will come together at the 27th National Crafts Exhibition, which will be held at the Tehran Permanent International Fairground from Feb. 16 to 19.
The exhibit will touch upon woodwork, illuminated manuscript, miniature, textile printing, enamel, leatherwork, handwoven products, calligraphy, traditional musical instruments, metalwork, and marquetry, amongst a lavish patchwork of other skills.
Organized under the auspices of the Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts Organization, the event offers visitors an opportunity to converse with nationwide craftspeople as well.
Halls no. 10 and 11 of the fairground have been designated to the showcase.
PHOTO: A poster for the 27th National Crafts Exhibition
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