IAF showcasing Iranian handicrafts

TEHRAN - A wide range of traditional and modern Iranian handicrafts have been put on show at the Iranian Artists Forum in downtown Tehran.
Some seventy craftspeople contribute to the 5-day exhibit through 150 works, a majority of which bear either the UNESCO Seal of Excellence for Handicrafts or the National Seal of Excellence for Crafts, Mehr news agency reported on Tuesday.
On Jan. 30, Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts Organization Deputy Director Bahman Namvar-Motlaq and IAF Director Majid Rajabi-Memar cut the ribbon on the exhibit, which is amongst the many cultural events that are being organized to mark the anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution.
The exhibit touches on variety of craft skills including woodwork, illuminated manuscript, miniature, textile printing, enamel, leatherwork, handwoven products, calligraphy, metalwork, and marquetry.
Over the past couple of years, dozens of Iranian handicrafts have been honored with the UNESCO Seal of Excellence.
In 2010, a total of 65 crafts on various themes including enamel, tile, metalwork, leatherwork, wood carving received the privilege.
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