Works by five Iranian artists to compete in Sofia poster triennial

TEHRAN – Works by five Iranian graphic designers will be competing in the Eighth International Triennial of Stage Posters to be held in November 2016 at the National Exhibition Center of Modern Art in Sofia.
Mohammad Afshar, Saeid Rezvani, Mehdi Mahdian, Hamed Mehravaran and Mehdi Fatehi are the five graphic designers whose works will be competing in the triennial.
“I submitted a collection of my works to the organizers and they are now among the competing works,” one of the participating artists, Fatehi, told the Persian service of MNA on Wednesday.
He added that he believes international events like the Sofia triennial help the participants get a chance to see works by world graphic designers.
“Moreover, I believe that stage directors are not very familiar with graphic designing, especially theater poster designing. I believe a good graphic designer must produce a poster that represents a visual image,” he said.
Participating works will be competing in the two categories of the printed posters for drama theatre, opera, ballet, circus, pantomime and several more, as well as posters on the theme of enigmas, mysteries and fantasy.
An International Jury with members Kari Piippo from Finland, Istvan Orosz from Hungary and Maja Wolna from Poland will award the prizes.
Photo: A poster for the Sofia International Triennial of Stage Posters
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