‘Threats against Iran not substantial’

September 23, 2008 - 0:0

TEHRAN (Press TV) -- Iran's Defense Minister Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar says the threats against the country are merely 'psychological warfare' without any substance.

Such threats made by domestic and foreign enemies stem from their fear of the Islamic Republic, Brigadier General Mohammad-Najjar said Sunday on the sideline of an annual military parade marking the 28th anniversary of the beginning of the Iraqi-imposed war.
""Iran army, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the voluntary forces (Basij) enjoy and overwhelming military might to give a crushing response to the enemies in the battlefield,"" the General said.
He, however, reiterated that Tehran has never planned to invade any country, and will only protect its sovereignty in case it comes under attack.
During the parade Iran displayed the country's cutting edge missiles including unmanned reconnaissance aircrafts and the prestigious 'Shahab-3' ballistic missiles.
Last week the Iranian Air Force (IAF) conducted an aerial maneuver to show the country's capability to defend its sprawling air space and a move to fight back the threats posed by Israel and its closest ally the United States, who claim Tehran is pursuing a military nuclear program.
Iran, a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), has refuted the U.S. and Israeli allegations, saying that its nuclear program is peaceful and solely aimed at generating electricity.
Iran has recently multiplied its air defense systems to fend off the attacks against its nuclear plants.
The sophisticated air defense missiles S-300PMU1 is expected to intercept missiles aimed at targeting Iran's nuclear facilities. The deal has inflicted a heavy blow to Tel Aviv and Washington.