Russian Duma Official Calls For Expansion of Parliamentary Ties

August 24, 2003 - 0:0
Moscow -- The Deputy Speaker of the Russian Duma, Artur Chilingarov, here Friday described the Iran-Russia parliamentary tie as very good and called for its further expansion.

He made the remarks in a meeting between a visiting Iranian parliamentary delegation headed by Majid Ansari and a delegation of Russian Duma during which Chilingarov expressed satisfaction over the bilateral technical, economic, scientific and military cooperation.

During the meeting, he also referred to the interest of the Russian Duma in expanding ties with Iran, IRNA reported.

Believing that Iran's most notable characteristic was its prevention of any possibilities of interference in its internal affairs by foreign countries, the Duma official stressed that his country was never influenced by any third country in conducting relations with Iran and used every opportunity to enhance bilateral ties.

Chilingarov also pointed to mutual cooperation on space and aircraft industries and said the two countries were to continue talks on the Zohreh satellite project.

Ansari evaluated Tehran-Moscow cooperation in all areas as very positive and said that both countries should make efforts to maintain and expand their shared and long-term interests.

He added that the two countries should try to pave the way for further mutual cooperation, noting that extending transit routes was of high importance in promoting commercial ties between the two countries.

On Caspian Sea issues, the parliamentarian said Iran would adopt joint and logical stands which would guarantee the interests of all littoral countries.