Iranian-made natural supplement relieves chronic joint pain

TEHRAN –Iranian researchers have managed to produce a natural edible supplement, containing the inner membrane of eggshell, avocado, soy, and bromelain, from pineapple stem, which effectively reduces chronic joint pain.
The eggshell membrane is rich in hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, and collagen, and has anti-inflammatory and acts as an essential substance to repair joints, IRNA reported.
Avocado extract, soy, and bromelain, a natural enzyme found in pineapple, help rebuild joints and increase joint space, lost from degenerative changes. They also contribute to easing symptoms, reducing chronic inflammation of joints, and quickly relieving pain and inflammation in patients suffering from joint pain.
This anti-inflammatory drug is an effective over-the-counter (OTC) remedy for orthopedic pain and arthritis who usually experience pain, stiffness inflammation, diminished joint space, and reduced mobility.
The affordability of the supplement and its natural ingredients that help reduce pain as well as repair joints keep it competitive with those made in foreign countries.