Iranian inventor finds way for complete control of diabetes

August 27, 2024 - 14:26

TEHRAN - Through a combined product of exercise, nutrition, and targeted medication, a system invented by Mostafa Hadidian Moghadam fully solves the diabetes problem in a measured, data-driven, and laboratory-proven manner, preventing diabetes progression with 99.9% confidence.

This invention has been validated and registered in the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) based on data-driven laboratory results, enabling complete control of diabetes to the extent that individuals reach the borderline of non-diabetic status. 

It fills the missing links of diabetes that have not been measured, solving the problem for hundreds of millions of diabetics with 99.9% confidence.

It helps to control blood sugar, prevent neurological diseases and heart diseases, reduce high blood pressure, and increase the body's immune system.

The invention won a bronze medal at the fourth International Invention and Innovation Competition for International Federation of Inventors’ Association (IFIA 2024) INV Members which was held virtually in Geneva, Switzerland, from August 16 to 18.

Diabetes, or blood sugar disease, is caused by the resistance of body cells to insulin. The prescribed medication is used despite the body's resistance to insulin, and this medication prevents the rise of blood sugar to a large extent, but it does not eliminate insulin resistance. 

Iranian inventor finds way for complete control of diabetes

Therefore, specialist doctors recommend exercise and proper nutrition to patients when they prescribe the medication. However, this advice is not as precise as medication, and each patient follows it to some extent according to their preference, so this advice is not as effective as possible. 

The imbalance between the three factors causes diabetes complications, and the more time passes, the more complicated this becomes. 

“In this invention, we control type 1 and 2 diabetes and prevent its complications by strictly implementing the exercise and nutrition program along with the medication prescribed by the doctor,” Hadidian Moghadam said.

“Despite advancements in scientific and medical technology, there are still missing links that make complete problem-solving complicated. This issue is particularly serious and critical for individuals at risk of severe complications from this disease, such as myself. 

I was at a stage where, without this invention, I would undoubtedly be suffering from severe diabetes complications today. This invention saved me, completely freeing me from complications, and now I live like a healthy person with peace of mind.”

“Essentially, we have a health circuit in our bodies; anyone who aligns with this health circuit will have a regulated body, with balanced blood sugar, reduced fatty liver, and other adjustments. A diabetic person, as long as they remain within this circuit, will no longer suffer from diabetes. This essentially means curing diabetes,” Hadidian Moghadam explained.

Features and benefits

One of the key features of this product is its accessibility for diabetic patients. In other words, it must be available alongside the patient, just like medication. This combined product allows diabetic patients to manage their disease at home, at work, or even while traveling. 

After adjusting a diabetic person's body within a maximum of 5 to 6 months, they need to recharge themselves at specific intervals according to the programs to maintain their diabetes control. The results obtained are data-driven and stable, without blood sugar spikes or drops. Complete health is the result of using this combined product, which is, in fact, revolutionary in the world of diabetes.

“Personally, if it weren't for this invention, I would have undoubtedly faced severe complications from diabetes. I was on the brink of these complications when this invention saved me. With this invention, not only is prevention possible, but also reversal, provided timely action is taken.”