Kish Island’s tourism sector goes digital with new platform

August 9, 2024 - 17:33

TEHRAN - Kish Island has launched a new platform to enhance tourism services, as announced by the Kish Free Zone Organization’s CEO.

“This initiative is aimed at revitalizing competition in service quality and establishing smart governance in tourism on the island,” said Rahim Sarhangi, during a meeting with the island’s marine recreation clubs on Thursday.

Sarhangi highlighted trust as the cornerstone of the tourism industry and brand development, adding that the newly implemented platform would enhance the quality of services.

He also assured that the equipment and facilities for marine recreation in Kish will be upgraded with the correct support and policies.

“Marine recreation is at the forefront of Kish’s tourism industry, and we believe that marine clubs should achieve profitability to encourage reinvestment in this sector,” Sarhangi stated.

The CEO called for a shift in the approach to the tourism industry, stressing the need to complete the tourism value chain to bring about transformation in the sector.

He clarified that while the new platform will not eliminate travel agencies, it will play a crucial role in preventing any form of brokerage, thereby ensuring the integrity of tourism services.

Sarhangi further explained that the new system will contribute to the smart governance of Kish’s tourism. “For instance, in cases of adverse weather conditions, such as a storm warning, the system will automatically halt all services from marine clubs, ensuring safety and trust in the tourism experience,” he underscored.

The official also warned that selling tickets for marine recreation outside this system would be considered a violation, emphasizing the importance of self-regulation among the marine clubs, alongside monitoring by the Kish Free Zone Organization.

In his final words, Sarhangi mentioned that the new comprehensive tourism system will be widely advertised in airports and during flights to Kish.

“One percent of the revenue from marine clubs will be allocated to the Tourism Consortium, with the funds being reinvested in the development of Kish’s private sector,” the CEO winded up.

Kish Island, situated in the Persian Gulf off the southern coast of Iran, is one of the country’s most popular and vibrant tourist destinations. Known for its pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and modern infrastructure, Kish is often referred to as the “Pearl of the Persian Gulf.” 

The island spans about 91 square kilometers and enjoys a semi-tropical climate, making it an attractive year-round destination for both domestic and international travelers.

Tourism is the backbone of Kish Island’s economy, with a focus on luxury and leisure. The island’s marine clubs and water parks are particularly famous, drawing a great number of tourists each year.