Cultural heritage benefactors association launched in Kerman province

TEHRAN - On Monday, an association dedicated to cultural heritage benefactors was inaugurated in Kerman province with the participation of several philanthropists and officials from the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts.
The initiative is hoped to intensify efforts to preserve, protect, and promote the rich cultural and historical heritage of Kerman province, situated in southern Iran, IRNA reported.
In attendance at the event, Fereydoun Fa’ali, advisor to the Deputy Minister of Cultural Heritage and the former Director General of Kerman’s tourism department, highlighted the national duty to preserve cultural heritage.
“Kerman has been a pioneer in the field of cultural heritage philanthropy, and the formal launch of this association in the province helps provide an opportunity for enthusiasts of this field, both domestically and internationally, to contribute.”
Fa’ali further explained that the association is a non-governmental, non-profit organization. “Its goals include facilitating participation and attracting investment for the restoration, revival, and organization of cultural heritage; contributing to the establishment of museums; safeguarding intangible heritage; creating a database of philanthropists; developing an information bank of historical buildings; and preserving and reviving endangered heritage sites.”
Another speaker at the opening ceremony, Saeid Shahrokhi, who presides over Kerman’s tourism and cultural heritage department, emphasized the crucial role of cultural heritage philanthropists, stating, “Philanthropists are an integral part of the cultural heritage family and are the forerunners in the protection, organization, and safeguarding of Kerman's tangible and intangible heritage.”
Shahrokhi underscored Kerman’s diverse and rich wealth of Kerman's cultural heritage, including tangible, intangible, movable, and immovable assets.
“With the involvement of cultural heritage philanthropists, Kerman is expected to reach its rightful place in this domain,” Shahrokhi added.
He said Kerman has been a leader in the revival and preservation of historical monuments, thanks to private sector involvement. “The association's motto, ‘You are the companion of today and the lasting legacy of tomorrow,’ serves as a guiding principle for the philanthropists of Kerman province.”
The Kerman region is something of a cultural melting pot, blending various regional cultures over time. It is also home to rich tourist spots and historical sites, including bazaars, mosques, caravanserais and ruins of ancient urban areas.
It is bounded by the provinces of Fars in the west, Yazd in the north, South Khorasan in the northeast, Sistan-Baluchestan in the east, and Hormozgan in the south. It includes the southern part of the central Iranian desert, the Dasht-e Lut.