Ardabil draws one-fifth more visitors

July 22, 2024 - 17:14

TEHRAN – Ardabil province, known for its pleasant climate especially in summer, has seen a surge in tourist numbers, according to a local official in charge of tourism.

The province has welcomed 20 percent more visitors, compared to the corresponding period of a year earlier, said Yahya Najjar-Qabel in a recent interview with IRNA.

“The hotel occupancy rate has reached 85 percent, experiencing an outstanding influx,” the official further explained, adding that the growth is evident in both travel statistics and the occupancy rates of hotels and accommodation units across the province.
However, the official did not mention a period in which the province witnessed the surge.

“Given the ongoing trend, we anticipate welcoming over four million tourists this summer,” Najjar-Qabel noted.
The official also pointed out the appeal of Ardabil’s modern tourism facilities, including several dozens of spa centers, suspension bridges in Hir and Meshginshahr, a ski resort, and the historical complexes of Sheikh Safi al-Din Ardabili and Sain Qala caravanserai.
Najjar-Qabel outlined that Sareyn, Meshginshahr, Khalkhal, and Ardabil have been particularly popular among tourists recently, with this trend expected to continue through the end of summer.
To fully leverage Ardabil’s tourism potential, the official emphasized the importance of promoting and branding Ardabil’s tourism sector to both domestic and international tourists.