Knowledge-based companies to attend Agro Volga Fair 2024

June 29, 2024 - 16:31

TEHRAN –A total of 14 Iranian knowledge-based companies are projected to participate in the Agro Volga International Agriculture Industry and Livestock Fair 2024 from July 3 to 5 in Tatarstan-Kazan, the agricultural capital of Russia.

Supported by the Innovation and Prosperity Fund, the Iranian delegation will set up their pavilions in the exhibition.

The exhibition focuses on agriculture and industry; mechanization; livestock and animal husbandry; seeds and inputs; sorting and packaging; farms and agricultural producers, agricultural structures; machinery and equipment.

Recent MOUs

On the first day of the 6th Export Potential Exhibition of the Islamic Republic of Iran dubbed “Iran Expo 2024”, held in Tehran from April 27 to May 1, three memorandums of understanding (MOUs) were signed between Iran’s Fars province and Mongolia and Russia.

According to the coordinating manager of Fars Province's Agriculture Department, Masoumeh Moayyedi, two MOUs were inked with Mongolia in the extraterritorial cultivation of agricultural products and cooperation in the farming and red meat industry.

The other MOU was signed with Russia in the field of packaging and exporting fresh fruits and vegetables. An MOU was also signed with China on the first day of the exhibition. More than 2,000 foreign traders and merchants from about 100 countries participated in this international event.

Knowledge-based growth

The significant and fast-paced growth in the number of knowledge-based companies with over 200 percent increase in their number just over the past year (March 2023 – March 2024), shows the solid foundation, dynamism, and growth of the country in innovation and technology and the productive atmosphere which have been made available in line with the goal of boosting domestic production with public participation.

The current administration underscores the quantitative and qualitative development of knowledge-based companies. The number of companies, which was around 5,000 before the current administration took office in August 2021, has now reached 10,000 with a total value of two billion dollars.

Iran’s knowledge-based companies exported over 3.6 million tons of products, valued at $2.506 billion, in the previous Iranian calendar year (ended March 19, 2024), according to the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA).

Based on the IRICA data, some 1.158 million tons of goods, valued at $5.141 billion were also imported by knowledge-based companies into the country from March 21, 2023, to March 19, 2024.

About 85 percent of the goods imported by the knowledge-based companies came from China, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Turkey, Germany, and India, IRNA reported.

The domestic knowledge-based companies exported their products to China, Iraq, the UAE, Turkey, and Russia in this period, IRICA said.