Definitive album to celebrate crafts treasures in Semnan

May 26, 2024 - 22:3

TEHRAN – Semnan province has embarked on a journey to spotlight its vibrant handicrafts scene with a forthcoming album.

Featuring 100 exquisite pieces, this initiative aims to promote local artisans while preserving cultural heritage, according to the local officials.

Led by the provincial handicrafts department, the project signifies a momentous step towards not only economic growth but also cultural preservation.

Aimed at promoting and selling local handicraft products to artisans and facilitating access for buyers, the content creation initiative has commenced to compile a definitive album of Semnan’s iconic handicraft works.

The initial phase of the album features 100 high-quality pieces, including items that achieved both national seal of excellence and UNESCO recognition.

Professional photography capturing the essence of each artwork, along with comprehensive information, is currently in progress.

Among the project’s merits are the categorization of works based on skill level and the inclusion of certificates of authenticity, enhancing transparency and credibility.

Scheduled for release in electronic format within the next month, the album aims for widespread accessibility among enthusiasts.

As reveled by the provincial officials, Semnan’s handicrafts department intends to further promote and market a broader range of crafts in subsequent phases.

Semnan province stands out as one of Iran’s most expansive provinces, boasting a substantial population centered around its capital, Semnan. Travelers to Semnan are acquainted with its historical, cultural, and artistic allure.

Amidst all the attractions that distinguish this province from others in Iran, its diverse handicrafts and souvenirs hold a special place. Handicrafts serve as the identity card of each province, offering abundant insights into its history and heritage to the world.

While various provinces across Iran showcase a rich array of handicrafts, Semnan stands as one of the few provinces with an extensive spectrum of handicrafts.

Semnan serves as a hub for producing exquisite and unique pottery and ceramics that captivate the eyes of every observer. Pottery, one of humanity’s oldest handcrafted artifacts, provides insights into our ancestors.

Pottery and ceramics have a longstanding tradition in this province, with some objects discovered by archaeologists in Damghan dating back several thousand years before Christ. Semnan’s exceptional desert soils have enabled it to offer attractive and astonishing products in the realm of pottery and ceramics to the world.

Carpet weaving is also a popular artistic field in the province, with its beautiful carpets holding a special reputation in Iran.

Although many individuals were once active in carpet weaving and designing its patterns, the advent of machine-made carpets and mass production has significantly altered the job market for these artisans, posing numerous challenges.

An important aspect of Semnan carpets is their background color, often woven in brick-red and indigo hues, infusing them with a fresh appeal.

Felting (Namad-mali in Persian) is another ancient art of Semnan’s people, with a long-standing tradition. Traveling to Semnan, Shahroud, and Damghan, you’ll encounter unique felt products, serving as excellent and valuable souvenirs for your loved ones.

Block printing, considered a type of traditional fabric printing is performed using wooden molds with embossed patterns.

Home to wide array of eye-catching handicrafts, Semnan province boasts a great potential to be widely known as a handicraft hub for enthusiasts.