Khwarizmi International Award wraps up

February 27, 2024 - 15:50

TEHRAN –The 37th Khwarizmi International Award, the 2nd Khwarizmi Innovation and Technology Award, and the 25th Khwarizmi Youth Award came to an end today in Tehran.

Twenty winners of the awards were honored at the end of the closing ceremonies, IRNA reported.

Compared with 585 articles submitted last year, a total of 1,405 articles were submitted this year.

Moreover, the number of articles submitted by foreign participants increased from 44 in 2023 to 441 in 2024.

The articles were submitted from Germany, England, the Netherlands, Hungary, Romania, India, Egypt, Turkey, Qatar, Pakistan, South Africa, Malaysia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Iraq.

Biotechnology, Food Security, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Architecture and Urban Development, Aerospace, Art, Chemical Technologies, Computational Intelligence and Quantum Technology, Electronics and Computer, Animal Sciences and Veterinary Medicine were among the topics.

Basic Sciences, Biotechnology, Medical Sciences, Civil Engineering, Green Technologies, Management, Information Technology, Metallurgy, Clean Energies, Mechanics, Mechatronics, and Nanotechnology were also among the topics.

First Khwarizmi International Conference

The First Khwarizmi International Conference will be also held with the participation of winners of the past editions of the Award both from Iran and other countries.

The move aims to introduce achievements of the Khwarizmi International Award, analyze processes, promote emerging technologies, and notable plans, and present an outlook for the future of science and technology in line with enhancing the goal of science diplomacy. 

Khwarizmi International Award

It is an established fact that a strong scientific and technological base today is quite essential for the economic development of a country. After the victory of the Islamic Revolution, there was in the country a growing concern about the development of Science and Technology.

In 1987, the leading Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST), affiliated to the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, decided to institute an award, which acknowledges the Iranian outstanding achievements in the field of Science and Technology.

IROST proposed the creation of the Khwarizmi Award in memory of Abu Jafar Mohammad Ibn Mousa Khwarizmi, the great Iranian Mathematician and Astronomer (770-840 C.E).

In 1987, the first session of the Khwarizmi Award called for Iranian nationals to present their outstanding contribution, invention, or innovation.

The fifth session of the Khwarizmi Award saw the creation of the foreign section and the Khwarizmi Award became international.

In 1997, Iranian researchers and scientists residing abroad were invited to take part in this prestigious scientific competition.

International organizations such as APCTT, Colombo Plan, COMSATS, COMSTECH, ECO, ECO Cultural Institute (ECI), FAO, ICARDA, IOR-ARC (RCSTT), ISESCO, TWAS, UNESCO, UNIDO, WAITRO, and WIPO allocate special prizes to the KIA laureates.

Year by year, the area of participation in the KIA is extending, attracting more scientists from all over the world. Today, the Khwarizmi International Award is continuing to pursue its successful course with more participation and more international recognition.

The KIA seeks to recognize the efforts made by researchers, innovators, and inventors from all over the world and to appreciate their invaluable achievements and contributions to various fields of science and technology. The KIA is annually held.