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In eight months, Bank Melli paid childbearing loans to over 122k applicants

December 27, 2023 - 19:21

In line with acting based on the approvals of the Money and Credit Council and the Youthful Population and Family Protection Law, Bank Melli Iran has granted 122,660 interest-free loans for childbearing from the beginning of the year to the end of Aban.

According to BMI public relations, in line with fulfilling the government's targets and upstream documents, this bank seriously pursues granting childbearing loans to eligible applicants and families and in this regard, with a firm determination has achieved suitable good results during the eight months of this year.

According to this, BMI has paid a total value of 67,374 billion Rials to eligible families from the beginning of the year to the end of Aban.

The amount paid for the childbearing loans by BMI, considering the monthly quota, indicates a growth of 126%, which is much higher than the percentage of the notified quota.

In addition, these statistics show during the eight months of this year, childbearing loan payments by BMI to eligible applicants have increased 130% more than in the same period of the last year.

Therefore, BMI's branches have paid on average more than 512 interest-free childbearing loans per day to eligible families, from the beginning of Farvardin to the end of Aban.

It should be said that in addition to paid loans, 42,300 people are currently in line to receive this loan.

It is to be noted, that parents of children born from 1400 Farvardin, can apply for the loan up to two years after their birth date by visiting and registering in the Central Bank system.

Interest-free childbearing loan with a maximum 4 percent fee annually is only paid for children born in Iran and once for each child without requiring them to make a deposit.