By Mohammad-Reza Manafi 

Refugees, precious power to rebuild Afghanistan

December 9, 2023 - 16:58

TEHRAN - For about half a century, Pakistan and Iran, two friendly neighbors of Afghanistan, in spite of suffering from their own economic predicaments, have been hosting and serving millions of Afghan refugees.

Since the former Soviet Union invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, many Afghan people sought refuge in other countries to escape from war and poverty, and Iran and Pakistan as friendly neighbors opened the doors to over 90 percent of those Afghans who had no choice but to leave their hometown while many other countries including the western nations were quite reluctant to accept the refugees.

Pakistan with a huge population of over 220 million is suffering from its own economic, security, joblessness, etc., and the Islamic Republic of Iran immediately after the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979, was faced with eight years of imposed war and then heavy economic sanctions which caused huge economic crisis to the country.

Despite all their problems and economic shortages, Pakistan and Iran did their best for decades to serve as safe and friendly hosts to millions of their Afghan sisters and brothers and offered a good amount of humanitarian aid and services including accommodation, jobs, free education, socials services, health services, etc.

Even after the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 and the military occupation of the war-torn country, millions of Afghan refugees poured into Iran and Pakistan as war refugees.

International authorities and institutions including the UNHCR, officials of former Afghan governments, and also officials of the current Taliban of Afghanistan have clearly acknowledged the precious hospitality of Iran and Pakistan for over ten million Afghan refugees for over half a century.

In a situation where the US and Western countries, as the invaders, occupiers, and perpetrators of the pains and sufferings of Afghan people, have closed their doors to Afghan refugees for years, Pakistan and Iran have been doing their best for tens of years to express sympathy with their Afghan sisters and brothers and minimize their pains of the US-led NATO triggered war.

More than two years since Afghanistan got rid of the American and NATO occupiers, the country has a long way ahead to heal the wounds left by years of war and occupation. But according to the clear acknowledgment of Afghan Taliban officials, Afghanistan has improved in terms of security and economy and it’s time for all Afghans to return to their homeland and play their own role in rebuilding the country.

Thanks to the host countries for providing equal educational and training opportunities in a series of different fields including different techniques and industries, agriculture, sports, arts, etc. to Afghan refugees, now there are many educated, talented, and experienced ones among the refugees who can play precious roles in rebuilding a new Afghanistan; an opportunity that Afghans have been dreaming for years, and now it is time that their dream can come true.

As well, Iran and Pakistan as the friendly neighbors of Afghanistan are always there to cooperate with and support the brotherly nation of Afghanistan on the holy task of building a prosperous Afghanistan.

******* The author is a journalist, expert on Pakistan and Afghanistan