Earthenware, ceramics on show at tourism ministry headquarters

December 21, 2022 - 21:30

TEHRAN – On the occasion of Yalda night, a solo exhibition featuring sets of ceramics and earthenware is on view at the headquarters of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts, and Tourism in Tehran.

Yalda night (Shab-e Chelleh), one of the most celebrated Persian traditional events which marks the longest night of the year, made it onto the United Nations’s cultural heritage list earlier this year.

On that graceful night, the winter chill is vanquished and the warmth of love embraces the entire family. It’s a time for pleasant family reunions that entails laughter, merriment, and good cheer. Hearts move closer to one another in the company of loved ones on Yalda.

People on Yalda Night are usually served fresh fruits and colorful Ajil (a mixture of dry fruits, seeds, and nuts) in traditional ceramics and earthenware.

Following a hot dinner, many people often recite poetry, narrate stories, chant, play musical instruments, or just chat cozily until midnight or so.