Ilkhanid mausoleum hosts Yalda celebration

December 21, 2022 - 20:0

TEHRAN – An event dedicated to Yalda night (Shab-e Chelleh), one of the most celebrated Persian traditional events which marks the longest night of the year, was held in the Ilkhanid era (1256–1353) mausoleum of Chalabi Oghlou, which stands tall in Soltaniyeh, northwestern Zanjan province on Tuesday.

Recitations from great Persian poets such as Ferdowsi and Hafez and music performances were parts of the event, Soltaniyeh’s tourism chief said on Wednesday.

In addition to keeping alive a traditional Iranian ritual, the event aimed to make a stronger link between intangible and tangible heritage, Parvaneh Asgari added.

Earlier this month, at the 17th session of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Committee of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), which was held in Morocco, Yalda night gained UNESCO status jointly with Iran and Afghanistan.

Yalda refers to a traditional celebration of the sun and the warmth of life. Practiced in Iran and Afghanistan, the event takes place the last night of autumn, when families gather at the houses of elders and sit around a table adorned with a series of symbolic objects and foods: a lamp to symbolize light, water to represent cleanliness, and red fruits such as pomegranates, watermelons, beetroots, jujube, and grapes to symbolize warmth.

Broth, sweets, dried fruits, and nuts that are used specifically for the occasion are also set on the table and consumed during the gathering. Activities range from reciting poetry and storytelling to playing games and music and giving gifts to new in-laws, brides, and children. The event celebrates cultural identity, nature, respect for women, friendship, hospitality, cultural diversity, and peaceful coexistence. It is transmitted informally within families, although radio and television programs, publications, social media, and educational materials have also played an important role in transmitting the practice in recent years.

Also known as Sheikh Barragh mausoleum, Chalabi Oghlou mausoleum is a historical octagonal structure neighboring the UNESCO-registered Dome of Soltaniyeh.

According to its inscriptions, the mausoleum is the burial place of Sheikh Barragh Baba, a prominent mystic in the Ilkhanid era.

Meaning “Town of the Sultans”, the ancient city of Soltaniyeh was briefly the capital of Persia’s Ilkhanid dynasty (a branch of the Mongol dynasty) during the 14th century.