Tourism projects to come on stream in central Iran

TEHRAN – A total of four tourism-related projects are scheduled to be inaugurated in the central province of Markazi on the occasion of the national tourism week (September 27-October 4), the deputy provincial tourism chief has said.
A budget of 1.1 trillion rials ($3.8 million) has been channeled into the projects, Seyyed Hassan Hosseini explained on Saturday.
The projects include an eco-lodge unit, a tourism farm, a tourist complex, and a travel agency, the official added.
Over 65 job opportunities are estimated to be generated upon the inauguration of the projects, he noted.
Markazi province is considered the industrial capital of the country. It is rich in natural, historical, cultural, and religious attractions.
Hand-woven carpets and klims, made in its cities including Farahan, Sarugh, Lilivan, Senejan, and Vafs are known internationally.