Tourism projects underway in Marivan

August 14, 2022 - 21:24

TEHRAN— A total of four tourism-related projects are currently underway in the city of Marivan, the western province of Kordestan, the deputy provincial tourism chief has said.

An investment value of 50 billion rials ($167,000) has been channeled into the projects, Arman Vatandust explained on Sunday.

The projects have been launched to develop the tourism infrastructure of the city, the official added.

In 2017, Marivan won the WCC-APR status as the city of Kalash, particularly lightweight and breathable footwear.

Located in western Kordestan province, the city is nationally famous for being a living museum of footwear made of natural cotton and leather.

The name Kordestan refers to the region’s principal inhabitants. After the Turkish invasion of Iran in the 11th-century CE (Seljuk period), the name was given to the region comprising the northwestern Zagros Mountains.

It was during the reign of Abbas I the Great of Iran’s Safavid dynasty (1501–1736) that the Kurds rose to prominence, having been enlisted by Abbas I to help stem the attacks of the marauding Uzbeks from the east in the early 17th century.