APDIM says Iran at forefront of dealing with SDSs

TEHRAN - Letizia Rossano, the director of the Asian and Pacific Centre for the Development of Disaster Information Management (APDIM), has said Iran is really at forefront of understanding the problem of sand and dust storms as well as dealing with it.
Iran is one of the few countries that have a coordinating committee at the national level to deal with sand and dust storms, Rossano told IRNA, adding, “This is something that we advocate for other countries to do as well.”
Referring to the regional plan of action on sand and dust storms in the Asian and Pacific Region, she said, "The plan provides a solid basis for countries in the region to bolster their efforts, including by strengthening cross-boundary collaboration, to reduce the risks associated with sand and dust storms and minimize their impact on sustainable development."
Asia-Pacific countries endorsed the Regional Plan of Action on Sand and Dust Storms in Asia and the Pacific at the 78th Session of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok on 27 May 2022.
Iran is one of the few countries that have a coordinating committee at the national level to deal with sand and dust storms.
"As a transboundary climate-induced environmental disaster, sand and dust storms are adversely affecting communities' sustainability and resilience and are becoming a serious rising concern for affected countries.”
More than 80 percent of the entire populations of Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and the Islamic Republic of Iran are exposed to medium and high levels of poor air quality due to sand and dust storms," she noted.
“Sand and dust storms are transboundary hazards, so I think there is more advantage in collaborating than not, and I think the role of an international organization like the United Nations is precisely to create the space, convening the table if you wish, around which conversations can be held.”
Pointing fingers and blaming are not helpful in solving problems. Looking at the actual problem, however, focuses on the actual technical nature of the problem and the actual impact and interests of the countries involved; that helps to move forward,” she concluded.
Sources of SDS
Department of Environment chief Ali Salajegheh has said Saudi Arabia produces the highest level of particulate matter, followed by Iraq, Syria, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates, respectively.
In order to negotiate with neighboring countries to reduce the intensity of dust from foreign origins, Salajegheh has expressed hope that by creating a regional convergence and alignment, appropriate achievements in combating dust will be achieved for the people.
“In the first phase, we are consulting on a bilateral and multilateral memorandum of understanding so that the main secretariat for dust management in West Asia can be established in Iran,” he said.
Tehran will host an international meeting on controlling sand and dust storms in July, with the presence of the ministers of 12 countries that give rise to the highest amount of dust.