Greece’s unstandardized transfer of Iranian oil cargo causes pollution

May 30, 2022 - 11:49

TEHRAN – Unstandardized transfer of an Iranian oil cargo seized recently by Greek authorities to another ship has led to the contamination of international waters.

Local media have released photos of the contamination near the port of Karystos, Tasnim reported on Monday.

Nearly a month ago, Greece seized an Iranian-flagged oil tanker off its coast and then transferred its cargo to the United States.

On May 25, Iran’s Ports and Maritime Organization (PMO) issued a statement about the arrest of the Iranian cargo vessel in Greek waters, describing the move as an act of piracy and a violation of international standards.

The PMO asked the Greek government to fulfill its international obligations and immediately release the vessel.

Meanwhile, the Karystos environment protection society issued a statement, saying that even if only one-thousandth of the shipment leaks during the transfer process into the sea, the environmental damage will be incalculable.