Iranian researchers win COMSTECH Award 2021

TEHRAN – Two Iranian researchers were among the biennial award winners of the COMSTECH 2021.
COMSTECH on Thursday announced biennial award winners of the year 2021 in nine categories. This year, it granted lifetime achievement awards in the fields of Biology and Chemistry, ISNA reported.
Ali A. Mousavi-Movahadi, Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the University of Tehran, won the COMSTECH lifetime achievement award in Chemistry.
Studies show that Iran enters the year 2022 with the 15th rank in science production worldwide. The Award for the best scientific book was also won by Esmael Ghavanloo, Associate Professor, Shiraz University.
COMSTECH the Ministerial Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation of the OIC (Organization of Islamic Cooperation) was established in January 1981.
COMSTECH Awards are conferred to recognize the outstanding research work carried out by scientists who are citizens of and working in, OIC member states. Each award carries a certificate, a shield of honor, and a cash prize.
These awards are given in four basic sciences; Biology and Chemistry alternating biennially with Mathematics and Physics.
Iran’s scientific growth
Studies show that Iran enters the year 2022 with the 15th rank in science production worldwide and it is expected to make progress over the next years as the coronavirus pandemic is going to ease.
According to the latest information on science production, Iran is 15th in the world in the international system of 2021Web of Science, with an h-index of 383, which indicates the quality of Iranian articles registered.
Scientific studies and analyses extracted from the Scopus International Citation Database showed that the rate of scientific contributions of Iranian researchers to the world increased from 22.24 percent in 2017 to 35.6 percent in 2021.
Three groups of engineering, chemistry, and materials science have been the most important research areas in the country over the last 5 years.
In the SCOPUS international regulations, the most important research areas of Iran in the production of science in 2021 have been medicine, engineering, and materials science, respectively.