Iranian scientist receives Cuba’s Carlos J. Finlay Award

TEHRAN – Alireza Biglari, director of the Pasteur Institute of Iran, was awarded by the Cuban Carlos J. Finlay Order for his contribution to biotechnology, teaching, and scientific activity in both countries.
At the proposal of the Cuban Minister of Science, Technology and Environment Elba Rosa Pérez, the Order recognizes Biglari's collaboration in the development of the immunogen against Covid-19 Soberana 02, a project promoted by the Finlay Institute of Vaccines (IFV).
The scientist's support made it possible to carry out phase III of clinical studies with that vaccine candidate and then obtain approval for the emergency use of this product in Iran.
Soberana-02 vaccine (called Pastu Covac in Iran) is jointly developed by Cuba's IFV and Pasteur Institute of Iran.
The Council of State grants the Carlos J. Finlay Order to national and foreign personalities, as well as to groups for their merit and contribution to the development of natural or social sciences in Cuba.
Also deserving the distinction are research activities that made an exceptional contribution to scientific progress and for the benefit of humanity.
Previously, Biglari said the Pastu Covac coronavirus vaccine is the only vaccine in the world that can fight several mutations simultaneously.
Due to the vaccine’s capabilities, the global demand is increasing day by day, because it is the only vaccine in the world that can fight several mutations simultaneously, he highlighted, IRIB reported on July 25.
The third phase of the clinical trial of the vaccine is underway in eight cities. It is going to be administrated to 24,000 people by August 20. Results of the evaluation will be announced, which will help obtain sufficient documentation for the approval of the World Health Organization, Biglari said.
In previous weeks, 130,000 doses of vaccines produced in Iran and Cuba were delivered to the Ministry of Health and have been distributed in several provinces across the country, he noted.
In September, the installation of the production line will be completed with a capacity of 3 million doses and will begin operation in early autumn.