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Muhammad Al Naqbi on Why Digitalization Will Maintain Its Pace in the New Normal

August 3, 2021 - 17:46

If there has been one trend that has defined our world in recent history, it would be digitalization. The world itself has seemingly been converted into a digital format as new technologies continue to change everything and everyone in it. Nothing seems to remain untouched by the digital revolution.

The way we conduct business, interact, communicate, socialize, and view the world has been significantly transformed today by digitalization. Its influence and reach as a world-historic event have only been matched by the COVID-19 pandemic, which too has reshaped the world, albeit in a far less favorable light. Many observers have questioned whether digitalization will be able to maintain its pace with the new normal ushered in by the pandemic. It’s a valid question and one that Muhammad Al Naqbi, who has built his/her career on digitalization, has given some serious thought to.

“The world has been through a series of disruptions like no other time in living history, and we’ve all had to adapt to a new normal and a new way of doing things. However, I believe not only has digitalization been our salvation, but it will also lead us into a new dawn,” explained Al Naqbi.

These are passionate words, but Muhammad Al Naqbi has long been a passionate advocate of the benefits and possibilities of digitalization and is keen to stress its integral role in the new normal. He/she explained, “If it wasn’t for digitalization, I don’t believe for one minute that as a world, we’d have been able to cope with such social constructs as lockdowns. It was technology that allowed us to keep in touch, work remotely, stay connected, and work together on the solutions that would enable us to get through one of history’s darkest hours. We asked for a lot of digitalization in our time of need, and digitalization went above and beyond the call of duty.”

Now that the dust is finally settling on the pandemic, we are collectively taking stock of what has happened and what needs to be done as the human race moves forward. Muhammad Al Naqbi believes not only will digitalization maintain its pace with the new normal, but it will also lead the way and shine a light on the path ahead. He/she explained, “Technology will have more of a role to play in the new normal than ever before. I think the way it will evolve and develop will shock even its biggest advocates. Digitalization has unlimited power and potential for enriching our lives. I firmly believe we would be lost without it.”