Anthropogenic fire extinguished in Anzali wetland

TEHRAN – A fire that had been reportedly started by humans in northern Anzali wetland on Friday was successfully put out, ISNA news agency reported. Covering more than 19,000 hectares, Anzali wetland is located near the northern port city of Bandar Anzali, neighboring the Caspian Sea.
Due to the low water level and being impassable firefighters could not approach the area burning in fire with firefighting vehicles or boats, however, the fire eventually restrained by the firefighters’ efforts, the report added.
All rangers and the Department of Environment forces have been conducting firefighting operations in the area all night, the provincial DOE chief, Qorban-Ali Mohammadpour, said.
Finally, with the efforts of the city's responsible bodies, the fire was extinguished in the shortest time possible, he noted.
He went on to say that the person who caused the fire for occupation of the land has been identified and introduced to the judiciaries.
The wetland was designated as a Ramsar site on June 23, 1975.
It is home to submerged and floating vegetation and also extensive reed beds. It bears international importance in terms of breeding, staging and wintering water birds.