Charity foundation to launch 200 health care centers in deprived areas

TEHRAN – Barekat Charity Foundation will launch 200 health care centers in underprivileged areas across the country, an official with the foundation has said.
The medical units will offer comprehensive health care, medical, rehabilitation and treatment services as well as emergency services, YJC quoted Ali Vaezinejad as saying on Saturday.
The health care centers will be launched in 16 provinces across the country, costing 683 billion rials (nearly $16 million), he added.
He went on to say that some 147 of 200 centers have so far been operational, and the rest will be soon be up and running.
In order to ensure medical services in deprived areas, a memorandum of understanding was inked with the Ministry of Health to construct some 10 hospitals, he stated.
To do that, a total budget of 1.1 billion rials (nearly $28 million) has been allocated, he said, adding that so far, 8 hospitals have been fully constructed and 2 others are being completed.
Barekat Charity Foundation, affiliated to Headquarters for Executing the Order of the Imam also known as Setad-e Ejraiy-e Farman-e Hazrat-e Emam, has been established on December 11, 2007, in order to act as an organization to uproot deprivation, to realize economic and social empowerment and to carry out public affairs.