IT paves way for young generation to implement ideas: minister

TEHRAN – Information technology (IT) paves the way for the young generation to implement their ideas, Information and Telecommunication Technology (ICT) Minister Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi said, IRNA reported on Tuesday.
The inefficiency in different fields is one of the main problems the country is facing, he lamented
Startups active in different fields not only create jobs and money but also provide solutions for several problems in the society, he added.
In addition to insurance, tax, and licenses, the entrepreneurs should deal with problems to hire professional human resources, he said.
Some changes and innovations are needed in the infrastructure of the business ecosystem in order to use the potentialities of the young generation in order to create job and money, he said.
The use of technology in different fields will lead to improvement like smart cities in which the citizens benefit from hi-tech in their daily life, he said.
He named smart agriculture, smart healthcare, and hygiene as the fields which lead to digital transformation.
Different organizations should cooperate with each other with the goal of increasing efficiency, he said.
In February 2019, the vice president for science and technology Sourena Sattari announced that Iran plans to supply commodities, which are impeded by Iran’s sanctions, with the productions of Iranian startups and knowledge-based companies.
The existence of 6,000 startups and 4,000 knowledge-based companies provide great potential to meet national demands.
The knowledge economy should be improved and this is possible through providing entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem, Sattari explained.
In late January, Sattari announced that the knowledge-based companies meet about 97 percent of the domestic market’s need to medicine which saves $550 million for the country.
He said that Iran boasts over 4,000 startups with about 600 trillion rials (about $14.3 billion) income.