‘Paris event best opportunity to introduce Iranian cuisine’

TEHRAN – Iran’s opulent cuisines along with counterparts from across the globe are to be featured at the Gourmand World Summit in Paris, a prestigious event deemed to be the best opportunity to introduce Iranian gastronomy to the world.
“The event will be the best opportunity to introduce Iranian cuisine and taste to the world,” IRNA quoted Samira Jannatdoost, a top Iranian chef and writer of cookbooks, as saying on Sunday. Her “Samira’s Dried Cookies” won a special award at the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards in May 2018.
Around 2,000 VIPs including ambassadors, chefs, distributors, agents, photographers, food and tourism journalists, bloggers, publishers, authors and designers will attend the Gourmand World Summit, which will be held in the UNESCO Headquarters from March 20 to 22.
With 2,500 traditional and regional dishes, Iran has a vast potential in gastronomy tourism. Its cuisine, usually embellished with fragrant herbs, varies from region to region, however, it principally accentuates freshness, deliciousness, and colorfulness.