Startup festival to support social entrepreneurship

TEHRAN -- The 4th edition of ideas and opportunities festival focusing on developing mobile apps, computer software and video games will be held with the aim of boosting social entrepreneurship.
Social entrepreneurship is the use of startup companies and other entrepreneurs to develop, fund and implement solutions to social, cultural, or environmental issues.
A section of the festival, which will be held from January 30 to February 1, 2019, is dedicated to toys and animations for children.
Video games, toys and animations focus on teaching social skills to preschool children.
Organized by the Social and Crime Prevention Directorate Judiciary, the pre-festival event will be held on December 31.
Cyberspace crimes and harms, financial crimes and judicial affairs are also amongst the themes of the festival.
Fifteen selected teams will compete at the event and three will be chosen as the winners.
The festival aims to decrease social misbehavior and support social entrepreneurship.