Intl. KANS Awards announces winners

TEHRAN – The winners of the international Knowledge Application and Notion for Society (KANS) Awards announced during a ceremony in Tehran on Monday.
This competition has been staged with the aim of bouncing ideas around in academic community to address the problems of the Islamic world in areas of water and environment, energy, health, information technology, and economics.
The KANS secretariat received 152 works in the field of health, 136 works in the file of IT, 154 works in the field of water and environment, 35 works in the field of energy and 45 works in the field of energy and economics, the head of the jury Saeid Sohrabpour said during the closing ceremony, Mehr reported.
The submitted works, which is an academic achievement, should provide a solution for one of the problems the Islamic countries deal with, he explained.
A total of 36 works received from scholars from Oman, Malaysia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Tunisia, Indonesia, Nigeria, Egypt and Kazakhstan, he announced.
The 70 percent of participants were men in this edition, he added.
A total of 15 works in five fields were selected as the winners, he said.
Abdul Rahim Abdul Samad from the University Putra, Malaysia (economics); Mohammad Mehdi Kiani from Sharif University of Technology, Iran (IT); Sadeq Sadeqzadeh from Iran University of Science and Technology (water and environment), and Behnam Mohajeran from Isfahan University of Technology, Iran (Energy); won the first prizes in each field.
Students, researchers, and professors from universities and scientific centers (less than 45 years of age) all over the world can submitted their scientific-technological ideas and achievements to the secretariat in form of video clips or scientific papers.
This competition has been organized by Mustafa Science and Technology Foundation in 2017 at university level in order to use the capabilities possessed by this expert community.
The Mustafa Prize is a science and technology award, granted to top researchers and scientists from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member states, biennially.
It is a platform for top scientists and innovative engineers from OIC member states to present their achievements to the world.
It aims to improve scientific relations between academics and researchers in order to facilitate the growth of science in OIC member states. OIC is the second largest intergovernmental organization after the United Nations with about sixty member countries over four continents.