2 electric bus lines in Tehran to begin operation

TEHRAN — Two electric bus lines will become operational in Tehran in near future, Tehran bus operating company’s director general Peyman Sanandaji has said.
The two lines, which are being set up in southern Tehran, will link Khorasan square to south terminal and Rah-Ahan square, ISNA news agency quoted Sanandaji as saying on Saturday.
Electric bus lines were operational in Tehran 24 years ago, but they went out of service for some time, he said, explaining that, there is one line already up and running in 17-Sharivar street, east-central Tehran.
Tehran bus operating company has allocated some 63 trolleybuses to the three aforesaid electric bus lines, he added.
Sanandaji also noted that the two lines were scheduled to become operational last year (March 2017-March 2018) but the completion of the projects were postponed.
Trolleybuses are actually electric buses that draws power from overhead wires, generally suspended from roadside posts, using spring-loaded trolley poles.
Considering persistent air pollution choking citizens of the capital using transit options that rely on electrical power generation which produce even less emissions— such as subways, light rail vehicles, trolleybuses and streetcars, seems economically justifiable.