Private sector to revive, operate historical houses in Shiraz

TEHRAN – A total of 28 houses in the city of Shiraz, including 11 historical ones, are to be ceded to the private sector with the aim of receiving better conservation through repurposing them into thriving eco-lodges or other profitable niches.
All the houses are owned by the Revitalization and Utilization Fund for Historical Places (known by its Persian acronym Saabta), Mehr reported.
“The houses are set to be utilized as boutique hotels, handicrafts and souvenir marketplaces, traditional houses as well as recreational, cultural and sports centers,” said Mosayeb Amiri, Fars province’s tourism chief.
To date, tens of historical monuments have been handed over to the private investor across the country to make the best use of them under contracts for restoration, maintenance and operation. It also caters to local economy, and job creation as well.
Iran is home to abundant historical structures such as mansions, caravanserais, bathhouses and madrasas to name a few.