Iranians enjoy Persian literature on e-book reader

TEHRAN – With 31st Tehran International Book Fair about to open, the first Persian e-book reader that supports Persian e-books was introduced in a ceremony at the Tehran Book City Institute on Saturday.
The e-book readers, Fidibook, was introduced by the Fidibo book, one of the most famous e-book download stores in Iran during a ceremony at the institute on Saturday.
There are different e-book readers, however, none of them support Persian language and Adobe as an e-book reader software program does not provide services for Iranians, Fidibo managing director Majid Qassemi announced during the ceremony.
He called Fidibo one of the most professional e-book stores in Iran, which has been installed more than two million times and over 50 thousand people read the books through the app every day.
As a cross-platform application, Fidibo provides book in Persian, Arabic, English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, and Portuguese, he said.
Fidibook, the android-powered e-book readers with e-ink screen and 6-inch screen size, is now available for enthusiasts, Qasemi announced.
E-Ink (electronic ink) is a popular type of electronic paper display technology characterized by high visibility and contrast, a wide viewing angle and low power requirements.
Fidibo tries its best to correct digital publishing ecosystem during its activities since 2012, he said.
The Fidibook is the result of two years of young Iranian technicians and academics to provide an e-book readers for citizens, he stated.
The first model of Fidibook, Hannah F1, was unveiled during the event. The e-book reader is available online as well as in Book City branches with price of 549 thousand rials (about 130 dollars).