‘Iranian traditional medicine should go international’

TEHRAN — It is of greatest importance for the Iranian traditional medicine to go international, Seyed Mahdi Mirghazanfari, an Iranian-Islamic traditional medicine (Persian Medicine) researcher, has said.
Thankfully, Iranians are now familiar with the traditional medicine and take advantage of its guidelines to live a healthy life and now it’s time for the world to recognize the benefits of the ancient, long-standing medicine being practiced in Iran for eons, Mirghazanfari, who is well-known for his practice in Iranian traditional medicine told the Tehran Times in an exclusive interview on Wednesday.
Studies and researches reveal that some of the earliest records of history of ancient Iranian medicine can be found in 8,000 to 6,500 B.C. while it is remarkable that Hippocrates, a Greek physician who is considered as one of the outstanding figures in the history of medicine belongs to about 500 B.C., Mirghazanfari who holds a PhD degree in medical physiology highlighted.
He went on to regret the lack of national support for introducing the ancient medicine to the world.
Elsewhere in his remarks, he expressed hope that as per a decision made by the Iranian medicine department (affiliated to the Health Ministry) the healthcare costs associated with Iranian traditional medicine will be covered by insurance companies.
Mirghazanfari, an assistant professor in AJA University of Medical Sciences, also criticized the recent trends of using sayings attributed to prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and Imams and also verses from Holy Quran to treat patients.
There is nothing called Islamic medicine, there are sayings and verses of Holy Quran that can be beneficial in treating patients, however, it is important how to actually interpret them, he suggested.
Recognizing and ensure one’s health and then in case of a disease nursing them back to full health in accordance with their distinguished temperament, is the most comprehensive definition of Iranian traditional medicine provided today that underscores the primary mission of medical practices.
Consistently, Iranian traditional medicine’s strength comes from prioritizing health maintenance over treating diseases.